In January, Katelyn finally decided that walking was a good idea. She'd been taking a few steps here and there and then all the sudden, she's all over the place. On the day I took this picture, I was trying to get video of her walking, but she just stood there and swayed back and forth and then crawled away. That little turkey!

I can't pretend that Katelyn was the perfect traveler, but she did extremely well considering that we drove through eight states. She also decided she loves chicken nugget kid meals. (Credits: Wyld Web Designs)
Israel laughed so hard when he saw the picture of Katelyn's tiny head poking out of this tank. I couldn't believe how tight the space was getting up there.
While at my sister, Rachel's house, we went to the park. Katelyn loves the slide.
She and Isaac shared it all-bread and each other's snotty noses.

The whole gang including Becca's other grandparents.
Anna pushed Katelyn around on the fire engine for a long time. Katelyn loved it!
Katelyn is a huge help in the kitchen. Actually, I usually can get work done in the kitchen without too many disruptions because she loves the broom, her mixing bowls, and spoons out of the dishwasher.
Katelyn wore her red dress the Sunday before Valentine's day. Carmen went to church with us that day and was over for dinner and games.
I made heart shaped pancakes for Valentine breakfast. Katelyn enjoyed them, but not as much as her blueberries.
My mom and dad got her a baby doll stroller. Katelyn's favorite part was pushing the button to make the music play. She was in the process of opening the card, but would stop and bend over to push the button every time the music stopped.
We went to the zoo in February with some new friends, Jimmy and Heather and their two adorable kiddos.
Yes, I crawled through a tight tube to get this prairie dog picture.
Katelyn went on her first carousel ride. She wasn't sure about it until the music started and Caden took her hand to make her feel better. So tender!