Monday found us at my cousin, Brianne's house. Her Ike and Cade are a week apart and play together quite a bit. Her Jacob is a month older than Katelyn. We played at her house and then ventured out to Chick-fil-A. Cade kept calling it Chick-Chick-Chick-fil-A.
Tuesday was rainy so we spent it at home. Cade was an awesome helper around the house. He would go put stuff away for me, throw away any garbage, pick up his toys, and even helped me vacuum and do some wash.
Tuesday night Israel and I got a glimpse into our future. We had put Cade down for the night. By the way, that's my favorite part of the day: a scripture story, prayers, and reading him books. While I was feeding Katelyn, a noise came from the room, so Israel went to check on him. He was crying that his feet hurt. I let Israel handle it until I was done feeding Katelyn. I'm trying to help him feel better and Katelyn decides to start screaming too. I pass off Katelyn to Israel. As we walked into the living room with two screaming kids, we just looked at each other and laughed. Cade went from his bed, to the couch, back to his bed, and finally I woke up to find him standing in our doorway. He ended up in bed with us. I know most of you are probably used to little knees and feet kicking you through the night. It was a rough night.
Wednesday, we walked to the park. He saw a squirrel and called it a mouse. Later on he decided to chase one of those mice.
After naptime we went to Wal-mart to get stuff for our Green Party. I was going to make a scavenger hunt for a pot of gold, put some food coloring in our dinner, and make a special treat. We were almost done with the Walmart run when Cade lost his lunch in the aisle. What do you do with a kid that has throw-up all down him, a baby with the cart, and a pile left on the floor? I left the pile temporarily and flagged down an employee. Luckily, we were in the baby aisles, so I just got a packet of wipes to clean up Cade. We get checked out and on the way home he does it again in the car. Goodbye green party. Hello 7-up and crackers with a movie. The weird thing was Cade acted perfectly normal. I had a hard time keeping him on the couch to rest. At bedtime he proved he wasn't completely over it. Of course, while all the clean up and such is happening, Katelyn decides to be fussy too.
Thursday we stayed at home to make sure Cade was all better. He was so cute with Katelyn. He wanted to hold her all the time. A lot of times I would read him stories while I was feeding Katleyn. He would get so frustrated because Katelyn would move her feet. He kept telling me, "She kicked me." I kept explaining that babies were learning how to control their legs. One time during the week he told me she did it on purpose. My favorite quote of the week was when Cade said that Katelyn was eating my tummy. Another classic was when Israel got home one night. He kissed me on the shoulder. Cade was eating dinner and told Israel not to bite me.
Friday we went to the mall. I had to pick up some pictures, so we made an outing of it. We went to the pet store and played in the playzone for a while. Cade was so well behaved the whole time and listened so well. We went to Sweet Tomato for dinner and to get ice cream. I apparently let him drink too much juice. Let's just say he went through two pairs of PJs that night and the sheets and mattress protector made it back into the wash in the middle of the night for a second time that week.
Saturday morning, we made waffles for breakfast. Cade was so cute because he's used to Eggos. He kept asking where the waffles were. I told him that we were making them, but it was too confusing until he saw the finished product. Matt came to pick him up that evening. I think Cade had a good time, but he was so excited to go back to Grammy's house.
I just love that little guy, and you are a SUPER aunt!!