Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to School

I was going to be so consistent with blogging every Sunday. School prep began and out goes the blog. I've been spending countless hours at school organizing and setting up my classroom for my new bunch of kids. Israel even joined in on the fun on Friday until 9:30. Only four of my new students showed up at Meet the Teacher, but I'm optimistic about the new year. I'm also very grateful that I'm at the same school, in the same classroom, and teaching the same grade and subject area. I'm going to try to focus on the positives this year and not get so frustrated with the imperfect school system. I really will miss teaching when I stay home with our baby. On the other hand I'm excited to be a mother and full time homemaker. Maybe I'll make dinner more than once a week. I was released as Activity Days assistant and called to be Activity Committee chair. I guess that's what I get for not going to any activity the last year we've been in this ward. I'm excited for the challenge though. I have really seen how activities can be a help in activation efforts and missionary work. That's all that's been going on the last two weeks, so maybe it's okay I missed last week's blog entry. :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Emotional Rollercoaster

This picture really changes the story; it makes me look like I had something to do with the crib assembly. Israel did all the work completely by himself until he needed me to hold the grid in place.

Princess Carmen and Prince AJ in the story section of the museum.

Carmen playing in the sand. Cade just liked to eat it.

The art table.

The chalkboard car. The kids had a blast drawing all over this clunker and to think they could have turned it in for some government cash.

AJ digging for dinosaur bones.

Carmen and Cade. This is the are were they spent most of their time.

This week I've experienced the "emotional" side of being pregnant. So far I thought I had been pretty level-headed, but this week I've cried at the silliest things. Among the funniest is when Israel and I went out to Sweet Tomato. They have really good apple crisp, so I justified trying a little even though I'm sure it's loaded with fat. When I tasted it, I started crying because it tasted so good. I guess that's what two weeks of having 110 fat grams in total will do to you. Israel got a good laugh out of it.
Part of being emotional might have to do with the fact that I'm in pain and still can't eat "real" food besides apple crisp. I worked in my classroom on Thursday. Last year I moved and shifted all the tables by myself. Taking extra precaution due to my pregnant condition, I took Abby along this year to help. The classroom looked like a storage unit when we got there with all the furniture up against one wall, stacked on top of each other. We tackled the biggest table first and that was the end for me. By the time I left school, I was waddling or walking with a limp because I strained my lower back. When I got up twice that night I thought I was going to die as I hobbled to the restroom. Anyways... still feeling some of the pain, but it's getting better as long as I don't sit in a chair too long. Luckily, my mom saved the day when she came over to help move the rest of the furniture. Thanks She-Ra, I mean mom. Israel has also had his share of pain. Besides putting up with me, he's had a major ear infection.

We also purchased a crib this weekend, and Israel spent all Saturday putting it together. I went shopping with my mom and Abby for bridesmaid dresses. I swear Abby and I were just in the dressing rooms trying on dresses. Oh wait, we were a year ago for my wedding. The group shots at the wedding will be comical because so many of us just had a baby or are pregnant. Then I convinced them to stay at my house and play games. My dad also came up, and we ordered Chuy's to go. It was a lot of fun!

Abby and I took Matt's kids to the Woodlands Children Museum. It's not as neat as Utah's Children Museum, but worth the cost of admission.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's a Girl!

She said: We found out on Friday that we're having a little girl. "Mama M" (my mom) has already purchased us some pink items. I had to go shopping while the "bug guy" was here on Saturday. I don't know how those cute little pink and purple outfits ended up at the register. Honestly, I did hold back because I figure I can't return anything usually after 90 days, so I guess I'll have to wait until the end of September just in case the tech was wrong. It was so neat to see our baby moving around and her heart beating. We're so excited!

He said: As Sarah knows, I had long known it was going to be a girl, and as such the results did not come as a shock to me. We're extremely excited and September will come too quickly because once Sarah starts school, there won't be much time to get our home ready for the newest addition. We are taking suggestions for names. Please provide us with your favorites.