She said: We found out on Friday that we're having a little girl. "Mama M" (my mom) has already purchased us some pink items. I had to go shopping while the "bug guy" was here on Saturday. I don't know how those cute little pink and purple outfits ended up at the register. Honestly, I did hold back because I figure I can't return anything usually after 90 days, so I guess I'll have to wait until the end of September just in case the tech was wrong. It was so neat to see our baby moving around and her heart beating. We're so excited!
He said: As Sarah knows, I had long known it was going to be a girl, and as such the results did not come as a shock to me. We're extremely excited and September will come too quickly because once Sarah starts school, there won't be much time to get our home ready for the newest addition. We are taking suggestions for names. Please provide us with your favorites.