Israel and I decided it was silly to do a basket that she wasn't going to remember. She can't eat candy. She has a lot of toys and if I ever think she doesn't, I just make a run to Wal-mart. Plus, she's not that interested in stuffed animals right now. Discovering a basket of fake grass, plastic eggs, and small trinkets wouldn't create that much excitement presently.
I think the regret mostly comes from not having a cute picture of her with it. There might be a small amount of "bad mom" syndrome too. I feel like the slacker--like we let Katelyn down.
The next thought in my head is to what really matters. The Easter basket is not the center of Easter. The celebration of Christ's resurrection is. Katelyn did get to experience us reflecting on that. We listened to prophets and apostles testify of Christ and the power of his atonement in our lives. Even though she's just an infant, I like to think that the same spirit I feel as I listen to those words affects her. She might not understand the words, but the spirit is familiar. Easter is also a time for family. There again we surrounded ourselves with lots of family members. Here are some pictures from the family festivities.
My cousin, Brianne hosted a delicious Easter dinner at her house. It was followed by an Easter egg hunt in the backyard.
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