We spent the evening down at my parent's house. We got back a little late, but Katelyn woke up from falling asleep in the car just in time to see Daddy opening his gifts.
After drying her off and putting on her diaper, I ran into her room to grab something. She was laying on her towel, but this is what I came back to.
I love little shoes. She loves her dolly from Grammy. Her Bumbo is a thing of the past since she is now sitting up for long periods of time without it. Now if she would only learn that it hurts when you throw yourself back to the ground.
This is the second day of vegetables, the day she discovered she could splatter it all over by blowing with her lips together. We're much cleaner now with feedings. It might help that I don't feed her in the bouncer anymore. That sure made it hard to get the spoon in her mouth since she loves rocking herself. She's graduated to the upright highchair, such a big girl.

(SEI Kit)

(Summertimedesign-Golden Sunshine)
Israel actually made these. I had second thoughts of me doing the scrapbook after he completed these.

Shabby Princess--MoodyBlues

Pebbles in My Pocket-Baby Girl


Israel actually made these. I had second thoughts of me doing the scrapbook after he completed these.

The real reason I haven't posted is because I've started digital scrapbooking. All of you know, I used to be pretty serious about scrapbooking, but since I moved to Texas three years ago I've hardly done any pages, a few here and there. Needless to say, I'm very, very behind. I debated over how to scrapbook Katelyn's life and decided if I ever wanted to get it done, I should do it digitally. So that's the plan, our family album will be in the traditional format with the kids done digitally. That might change after working on Katelyn's digital version though; I love the perks of the digital format. Here are a few of my creations, not much but they're done. They look much cuter side by side in a book. I've actually finished about 80 pages, but... By the way, I'm still debating if I should do a 12x12 format or a 11x8 format, Wal-mart's size. Oh the stress of decisions in my life. :)
If any of you are interested, I've found some great websites for free digital downloads. Among my favorite are:
http://www.summertimedesigns.blogspot.com/ (She has about 40 amazing kits all for free.)
http://www.digitalscrapbookexperts.com/ (You can sign up for their Collect-a-kits. They email you a piece of a kit everyday. Super cute!)
http://www.shopsei.com/ (They have three free downloads.)
http://www.shabbyprincess.com/ (They have about 10 awesome kits for free.)
http://www.shabbyprincess.com/ (They have about 10 awesome kits for free.)
http://www.freedigitalscrapbooking.com/ (I've only downloaded one paper packet so far, but looks promising.)
To end here is what our latest dinner conversations sound like.
I LOVE those pages...maybe that is what I need to start doing??
ReplyDeleteThanks for the websites, I have been wanting to do the same thing!! Is there anyway to take your already done blog, say the posts from last year and print them off somewhere into a book?
ReplyDeleteIt must be nice to have someone else help on pages...nice work Israel! I think you should go with 12x12. You have totally inspired to start scrapbooking again!!
ReplyDeleteMichelle-Blogspot actually offers a service to print out your blog. It's not as frilly, but includes the pictures and your posts. My cousin Brianne actually did one. I'll ask her more info about it. I sometimes copy and paste the text into photoshop because I don't want to do the work twice--it saves some time.
ReplyDeleteLauren-I've been playing around with the 12x12 and really like it. I'm still a little torn thoguh. I'm glad you want to scrap again and wish that we lived closer, so we could have a girls night out or maybe in and scrapbook together. Are you planning our camping trip next spring? :)