While I was in Austin visiting
Marte and Lauren (a post on that to come--I'm waiting on some of the pictures), Katelyn experienced her first time in a pool. She absolutely loved being in the water! When I put her in, I thought she would hate the shock of the cool water. It didn't even phase her. She started kicking her legs and squealing with excitement. I actually just sat on the edge of the pool thinking she might not like it. Nope, after a trial run we both were in the water. It looks like this summer will include a few trips to the pool. Next time we'll make sure we bring Daddy.

I was so excited for her to wear her bathing suit. We got it as a baby gift, and I've
anxiously been waiting for her to be big enough to wear it and be in a pool.

She was pretty good at splashing!

She enjoyed trying to eat the towel.
Marte, Katelyn, Lucy, and Lauren catching some rays.
She is an excellent swimmer, you will have lots of fun at the pool this summer!!