Other than my post about Mike's Air Force Graduation, we haven't updated the blog for the last two months. Here's our attempt at a quick update...Those of you who know me, brevity is not my strength!

We can't believe how big Katelyn is getting. In a matter of days, I'll be at her nine month check-up. My favorite thing to ask her is "What did you do with our baby?" We feel that she is such a big girl, very grown up. Her latest accomplishments and discoveries are eating finger food, army crawling (gone are my days of setting her in one spot and expecting her to stay there), crawling over legs, and pulling up.

She knows she's number one in our book. This pointer finger action is very common as she explores everything with it from the fuzzes on the floor to her touch and feel books.

Her daddy still adores her. She has lunch on her face in this picture.

We celebrated my twenty-ninth birthday. Yikes! I feel like I need to live this year up and work on becoming the woman I thought I would be by the time I was 30. I have a long way to go. Israel was so sweet! I woke up to find this on the kitchen table. He had ordered a
Cricut cartridge and made chocolate chip cookies. He made the letter shapes by hand, very impressive! His chocolate chip cookies are divine!

He took a picture of them before he baked them in case they didn't look like letters after baking.

I don't look so cute in the morning. I also need posture lessons. I love that my husband listens to me explain which
scrapbooking products I love and have on my
wishlist. This conversation was months ago. He pays attention, remembers, and is extremely thoughtful. Thanks

Newsflash, we moved! We moved into my parent's house while they are in Switzerland for the next 3-5 years. My brother and his daughter came up to help us. We couldn't have done it without their help and the help of Elder Quorums on both sides of the move.

Katelyn slept during the whole loading experience and woke up right before it was time to drive away.

So much of my July and August was
organizing, packing, unpacking, situating, cleaning, etc. Here's a
picture of our hallway before the move.

Here's a picture of our hallway during the move. Besides the U-haul with our "big" stuff, I took loads down in my car or the Suburban for two weeks before the actual move. The hallway was the holding place for boxes and stuff that was ready to go.

Katelyn has crazy hair when she wakes up! I couldn't resist the "Bedhead" picture.

This adorable outfit came with a matching hat. The outfit is almost too small, so I had to get a picture. I think she just went through a growth spurt. Notice the boxes in the background.

Besides moving all our stuff, we spent a lot of time at
Grammy's house helping her get ready for her air, boat, and long-term storage shipments.

Katelyn loves sitting in the big kid high chairs when we go out to eat.

Israel and I have been spoiled this summer. We've had quite a few date nights. We went to the Houston Symphony at the Miller Outdoor Theater and went to
Carrabas (the location of our first date) and
Cold Stone for our anniversary. My favorite was going to Wicked with my mom and dad. I absolutely enjoyed it! I was amazed with how the story
intertwined with the Wizard of Oz. The music was fantastic! I Want to Be Popular and Defying Gravity are among my favorite.

I had my last activity as activity committee chair. Enter sigh of relief. We held a Pioneer Day Extravaganza. Once again I couldn't have done it without Israel's help or my mom's (She watched Katelyn).

There was homemade
ice cream, pie eating contest, potato sack races, relay races, horseshoes, and just a lot of good old fashioned fun. A storm blew in an hour into the activity, so we raced to get everything inside before the torrential rain started.
Katelyn loves meeting new friends. On July 10, we went to a pool party for Israel's work.
How funny, I just bought the same Cricut cartridge! I love it!! I put a paper doll on every card I make. I also made one that looked like a principle and hung it up in my classroom. Happy Birthday!!