My nephew,
AJ had to plan and cook an outdoor meal for a scouting requirement. We turned it into a fun evening at the Spring Creek Park. I hadn't ever been to the park and thought it was a fun place to go. It's very pretty with all the trees. We didn't get a chance to check out the walking paths, so I've put it on our lists of fun to
do's. They also have camping sites, maybe next spring.

Katelyn enjoyed herself all evening until we went home.

The slides at the playground were monstrous. The red slide went up so high. There was actually part of the slide where you would hear the kids clunk because the drop was so drastic.

You needed a pair of brakes for this slide.

Daddy met us there after work.

My mom and Matt

Matt's family
AJ with the soccer ball we used as a basketball.

We shot some baskets after we ate. We played Around the World. Matt joined in later and ended up smoking us. I used the excuse that I couldn't shoot very good because of my incisions, which was partially
true. The mostly true part wass that I don't have an ounce of coordination in me. Regardless, we had a good time.
On the way home Katelyn got beyond fussy in the car. I've gotten to the point where if she gets fussy in the car I don't totally freak out. Well, she wasn't slowing down and she kept choking on her spit, so we stopped. We were in a mostly deserted shopping center, but when I got out of the car with her, a car was driving by. The man stopped in the car and commented on what a cute baby she was. I found it pretty funny that he would stop the car to compliment a baby.
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